
Happy Friday, and long weekend for those of you who have one. Before I get to today’s pictovation – I wanted to thank Jesica from rUnladylike.

Today I was lucky enough to be able to be a part of Jesica’s new series Friday FITspiration, a series that profiles people who have unique or interesting stories and who have overcome challenges through running.

Jesica interviewed me for her story and I want to thank her for her thoughtful questions, beautifully written profile, and the amazing amount of respect she showed to my story and I. Thank you Jesica for the experience and for sharing my story with others! Please feel free to read her blog and the story here.

If you or anyone you know would like to be a part of Jesica’s Friday FITspiration I encourage you to contact her!

Without further ado, here is today’s Pictovation!


Remember – don’t take even the smallest gifts for granted

2 responses to “Picto-Vation!

  1. You are awesome Amalia! I can’t wait to keep following your training journey! Keep up the awesomeness! 🙂

  2. thanks for this, Amalia. I’ll check out FITspiration too. Can’t wait to read about you at rUnladylike. happy running!

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