All the Goals Shall Be Accomplished!

Hello lovelies
I’m writing to you from a state of relative immobility.  I had a fantastic weekend. Yesterday I saw Amaluna which I will be telling you all about soon. Today, I met with a good friend and my photographer for upcoming exciting things blog related Nathalie. She’s the greatest.


After I got home, I was cleaning the tub, because Manfriend always does it so I thought I would be nice. In the process, I wrenched my shoulder and pulled a muscle somewhere in my neck. Ouch.

Manfriend and I both think its hilarious. I keep laugh-crying and he keeps coming up with witty statements like.

“Guess that puts a wrench in your plans today” and “So that’s probably the last time you clean right?” and most eloquently “You kind of look like a penguin when you walk, or a toddler in an oversized snowsuit.”

I love Manfriend.

Mainly because he KT Taped my neck and shoulder for me.

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Good thing I’m not running a half next week. That would suck.  What I am doing though is making those good old New Years Resolutions. You know, the goals we make that generally have that habit of failing one week later. Here are my tips for succeeding and accomplishing those goals — and some tips from some fellow Girls Gone Sporty Ambassadors too!

Amalia’s Tips for New Years Resolution Success

1. Don’t think of it as “New Year NEW YOU”

I prefer to think of it as “New Year, New Goals, SAME YOU.” You are building on the successes and failures of last year.  And you are going to succeed and fail the same way this year. But in order to learn from the past you have to stay the same person. I’m not new Amalia the second the clock strikes midnight, I’m the same Amalia with evolving goals.

2. Start Now

I’ve already started two of my new years resolutions. One is to not play on my phone while lying in bed, and my sleep has improved dramatically just in the last two days. That being said, I still have work to do cause I still find myself playing on it when I wake up — in bed. My other goal, be more organized, has taken on a life of its own. I put some things in ziplocs and I already feel ready to tackle the world.

3. Get Planning and Get Organized

If your goal is to eat vegetarian and you cut out all meat all of a sudden on January 1st with no other plans of what you’re going to eat and the expectation that you can do it 24 hours a day with no prep — YOU WILL FAIL. Start small. Maybe one meal a day will be vegetarian. Maybe one day a week. But unless you look up recipes you’re going to fall by the old standards you love — like tacos.  Realistic is key. For example, this is not my goal.

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4. January 1st is just. another. day

My friend (and former varsity athlete in basketball) Kara used to laugh at me last December when I said I was starting January 1st. She dragged me to the gym whenever I said it. She had a point, I just didn’t know it yet. “If you wait for tomorrow to come you will be waiting forever.” January 1st is not a magic reset day. It has become a day to set goals — but I just prefer to call it my day of revisiting goals. Or setting some for the next 12 months. There is no magic way to achieve all you want. You have to work hard for it.

Tips from the Great and Mighty Girls Gone Sporty Ambassadors

Diane from Just One Step Says:
I post something that I can see – like a motivational saying or photo and ask myself “What do you want more – a rockin’ body or those few chocolate chips cookies (or whatever I am craving at the time) I’m going to be creating a vision board this year – watch for some tips!

Tracey from Aspire Fitness Says: Share your goals with others! Enlist the help and support of others who will hold you accountable to your goals. Maybe start a group/email list and help each other. Just tell someone! You are all welcome to tell me in the comments below!

Angela from Sole Sister on the Run Says: Make sure the goals are SMART goals!! I have a whole post on this. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. She has a whole blog post about it on her blog – here! I first learned about SMART goals in middle school – never thought to apply them to my life now!

Joanna from Sports Bras and Sippy Cups Says: Make small monthly goals that work towards your big goal! I agree with Joanna – that makes them seem way more attainable!

Kim says: Make them realistic, specific, and write them down. Something about writing them down makes them easier to meet! Think positive, use the words “I will” for each goal! Great idea! Repeat it to yourself too: I will be more organized in 2013 even if Manfriend chuckles to himself every time I say it!

Renee (my elf4health buddy) from Bendiful Blog says: Don’t be drastic make small manageable changes and continue them well after the 1st of the year! Yes continue! I used to go to the gym Jan 2, and be like “well, that’s all folks!

Erin from A Storybook Life says: Accountability. Willing to share your goals with others, willing to share your successes AND your failures! Sharing failures is a great point. It’s okay to mess up.

Sarah from Fit Betty says: Throw out perfectionism! Life is not all or nothing – when you slip up, keep moving forward. Sarah I think you may have created a new favourite quote for me. Life is not all or nothing!

Mindy from Mindy’s Fitness Journey says: I am going to focus on short measurable goals this year. I am going to make monthly goals… I look forward to celebrating my successes each month. You guys can watch Mindy’s 2012 recap of her goals. It moved me to tears (literally). She talks about her plan in that post, and is one amazing woman!

Sarah from Mom Running On Empty says: Set goals that involve the things you enjoy! If you want to run a half marathon but hate running and generally prefer Zumba, it will be more difficult!! Involve your family because they are the ones who have the most influence over you! If your goal is menu planning, ask them for suggestions on things they love to eat! If its cycling you are gearing up for, make times to do that with the ones you love!! And if you live with me and have a Manfriend –> make him cycle beside you as you run or do an ab workout with him, his humor and competitive nature are strangely motivating!

There you have it! Some amazing tips from some of the most amazing ladies I know. These are true warrior women –> they battle the same daily challenges you and I do. Thanks to my fellow Girls Gone Sporty Ambassadors for their contributions.

One more announcement. Two more announcements.

You have ONE MORE DAY left to enter my Pro Compression Sock Giveaway! Go for it!

Second — I am following many of these pieces of advice and doing something I’ve never done before! I’m taking Bootcamp! Since I don’t have a half marathon until May (probably for the best so this curse can pass) I’m trying new ways of staying fit! You can join too! Tina Reale’s Best Body Bootcamp.

16 responses to “All the Goals Shall Be Accomplished!

  1. Thanks for sharing our quotes! There is some great advice in here : )

  2. Sarah MomRunningonEmpty

    I’m starting a boot camp this month too! I was looking for a new challenge to motivate me that was different from running and I was lucky enough to stumble upon a groupon for a personal trainer running small boot amp sessions a half mile from my house!! HNY to me!! I love your goals!

  3. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for linking to my vlog! You are too sweet! I need a man friend who will tape me up 🙂 Lucky! Happy New Year Doll!

  4. So sorry to hear you pulled a muscle or whatnot in your back & neck. I hope you get feeling better soon. I hope the KTTape helps.

    • Thanks. I have no idea what I did but I have not felt muscle pain like this before. I’m crossing my fingers it’s only a few days! The KT Tape seems to be helping but I’m allergic to anti inflammatories so I’m all out of luck on the painkiller front 😦

  5. Jesica @rUnladylike

    Great post!!! I completely agree about starting now and not thinking of Jan. 1 any differently than any other day. Every day is a chance to set goals and achieve goals.

  6. Thank you for using my post, and so many of our other friends’ posts, in your blog today! What an honor 🙂 So sorry about your shoulder. I have done that a few times, it is the worst! Feel better soon, and enjoy boot camp when it starts! You will love it! Nothing like feeling completely spent and absolutely wonderful all at once!

    • No problem! I didn’t know where to link yours so I will add it today when I get home. I’m excited for boot camp as long as this shoulder heals. There is no comfy position!!

  7. That sucks! But I’m glad you an both see the bright side ;-).

    1st Jan is so true. I’m just waiting for all those ‘start anew’ people to fall off the bandwagon so I can have my gym and running track back.

    • It’s been an interesting few days with the shoulder. Its worse after I wake up and about two hours later the stiffness is better but so much pain!

      I am not going near the gym till the 16th. I figure it will give everyone the time to get it out of their system (I’m also visiting my parents so its kind of also just convenient).

  8. Thanks Amalia! – These are so great tips!

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